Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Lawn Care Olathe, KS Experts Provide Tips In Renovating Lawns

 Heartland Turf
When talking about lawn care, Olathe, KS homeowners simply think of tasks in maintaining their lawns. However, maintenance tasks are not appropriate when lawns are thin and dry. Fortunately, homeowners can renovate their lawns with the help of experts. To know more, below are some expert tips homeowners can do to renovate lawns properly.

Verticut the lawn

One of the most important things that homeowners need to do when renovating lawns is to verticut it. Verticutting is a method wherein you vertically mow the lawn in order to get rid of thatch. Because of this, lawns can breathe properly and easily, which will allow it to absorb nutrients.

Aerate lawns

After verticutting, it is also essential to opt for aeration services. Aeration is a method where you create holes in the lawn. These holes will help get rid of compact soil which will allow plants to grow deep roots. As a result, you can make plants stronger and healthier.

Overseed properly

Overseeding is another important that when renovating lawns since it helps cover up thin areas. Overseeding can also help you create greener lawns which can complement your home.

Use the right fertilizer

To ensure that seeds will grow properly, it is also imperative to make use of the right fertilizer. As of now, there are numerous fertilizers individuals can make use of. But, it is best for individuals to ask experts about fertilizers to help you make better decisions when buying. It is also important to know the right time to fertilize the lawn.

Water efficiently

Lastly, you also need to know the best practices in watering. This will allow you to provide plants sufficient water without drowning them.

These are only some of the things that homeowners need to be aware of to make lawn renovating tasks successful. Know more about lawn care in Olathe, KS on this site.